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Vitality Urgent Care - Common Conditions We Treat

Medication Refills

Medication Refills Illnesses Icon

We can provide medication refills for a variety of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure diabetes, gout, migraines, etc. We do not provide refills for controlled substances such as opioids or benzodiazepines.

Many of the refills can be done via Telemedicine Visit



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Common Conditions We Treat


PCR respiratory Testing
General Blood Tests
Urine Tests

Common Illnesses

Fever, Cough, Cold, Flu, Sore throat, Headaches, Urinary tract infection, Dehydration etc.

Nose / Throat

Strep throat or sore throat, Sinus infection, Nasal congestion, Laryngitis, Nosebleeds, Mono etc

Ear infection

Ear pain or infection, Earwax Removal etc

Ear Infection

Ear pain or infection, Earwax Removal etc


Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Seasonal allergies, Upper respiratory infection


Rash, Skin infections, Skin lesions, Simple Lacerations Repair etc


Upset Stomach, Nausea / Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation, Stomach Flu, Food Poisoning etc.

Medication Refills

Medication Refill

Injury & Joint Pain

Sprain, Strains, Back Pain, Arthritis, Minor fractures

IV Fluids, Labs & Medications

IV Fluids, Labs and Medications

Work Notes

Work and school excuses

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